5 Areas you may benefit from working with a Life Coach

Life isn’t easy, and if it was we’d probably be bored. We all face struggles and challenges in our day to day life and as we mature we learn to cope with these challenges and pitfalls using a range of different strategies. But sometime our coping strategies can be disruptive to our wellbeing too. If you have ever felt like you’ve needed some guidance in your life, but not sure if you’re ready, here are 5 areas where you may benefit from  Life Coaching.

You have lost your focus

Brighton is a fun place to live, and it’s easy to get swept along in the carnival atmosphere for years before you realise your life hasn’t changed much since your teenage years. If you feel stuck in a rut, working with a life coach can help you discover what you want from your life, and how to achieve it.

You feel stuck

If you have a highly demanding job it can be hard to make time for yourself and loved ones. Life Coaching can help you to identify what is important to you to achieve your ideal work/life balance.

You’ve lost your identity

If you feel lost, unsure who your friends are or what you enjoy in your life, you would definitely benefit from talking through your hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes with a coach to help find yourself once again.

You’re considering a career change

A career change is a big step and one that requires a lot of thought. Life Coaching will help you to decide when the time is right to make changes, and the reasons behind your desire for change that may not even be related to your career.

You’re looking for love

If you are longing for a long term relationship, life coaching is a great way to inspire you, increase your confidence and help you to distinguish what you look for in a partner. One of the greatest laws of attraction is to “Be the person you want to be with” and life coaching can help you to make changes in your life to achieve this.

If you would like a free initial life coaching consultation, please get in touch.